good credit – Banks Credit Chat Daily Tips And Information On Everything Dealing With Credit Thu, 01 Oct 2020 17:16:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Is A Good Credit Score- 4 Tips to Determine A Good Credit Score Tue, 06 Oct 2020 21:03:00 +0000 In this video I provide 4 tips to help you determine what is a good credit score.

Tip#1 Know what you are looking to obtain the credit for.

If you are a first time home buyer the minimum score to have to purchase a home is 620. Between 620 and 640 allows you to obtain small lines of credit under 3,000 dollars.

A score of 580-620 gets you into a car in a number of cases. So again know what you are looking to obtain the credit for is tip#1

Tip#2 Know the scoring model used by the creditors you are borrowing from.

Fico score ranges from 300-850, where as the Vantage score goes from 360-840. Each model is different and knowing what scoring model is used by the creditor granting you credit is key in determining a good credit score.

Tip# 3 Understand that the Fico score is used by most creditors in making a credit decision.

Particularly if they are going to lend you money. So with that in mind always strive for over 720. In this economic environment a score of 680-720 is considered a decent/good score. A 740-850 is excellent to the best you can get.

Tip #4 Be careful when obtaining a Credit score from Credit Karma.

The official site to obtain your credit report, and for a nominal fee your credit Fico score is at

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