Freedom Debt Relief – Banks Credit Chat Daily Tips And Information On Everything Dealing With Credit Mon, 12 Oct 2020 16:41:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Warning About Freedom Debt Relief- Warning Freedom Debt Relief Thu, 22 Oct 2020 20:43:00 +0000 Freedom Debt Relief-Freedom Debt Relief Company

In this video I cover 3 distinct things you need to be aware of if you are looking for Freedom Debt Relief as an option to handle your credit and debt problems.

#1 Freedom Debt Relief specializes in debt settlements.

For those not familiar with what a debt settlement is, it is the attempt to see if the creditor will take less than what is owed

#2 Debt settlements Ruins your credit report nearly as severe as bankruptcy but without the clean start.

#3 Freedom Debt Relief charges you a large amount up front and monthly.

In addition to all of the money they charge at the end you will still receive a 1099 if the creditors do agree to take less than what is owed on the debt

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